Design Data Tables with Real Tables: Part 2

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In the last post, I showed you how to design a table with the Data Table package in Framer X. Have you tried it yet? If not, do it now and come back. I'll wait for you.


Alright, now that your table looks good and it's even filled with real data. The next step is to put it inside a prototype to do some user testing, or present it to the customer or executives. How would you usually make a table prototype? Stitch together some mock pictures? Wait for the developer to implement it?

Let's roll our sleeves and build one ourselves! What about a real, fully interactive table? Prototyping is the forte of Framer X. It's what Data Table does well, too.

In this post, I'll show you some examples of what we could build. I hope these would give you inspiration and motivation to try more. There are so many possibilities with the power of code in your hands!

Here are some GIFs for your viewing pleasure:

Hover action

Hover action GIF

Add / remove rows

Add/Remove row GIF

Pagination GIF

Expandable rows

Expandable rows GIF


To take full advantage of this post, you should know overrides and how overrides communicate.

Overrides are a powerful idea in Framer X. It gives you the best of both worlds: design visually on the canvas, add logic and process data with code.

If you are not familiar with overrides (or even coding), take a look at this course I prepared for you.

Hover Actions

Guess what the override below will give us?

export function TableHoverActions(): Override {
  return {
    showDefaultColumns: false,
    columns: [
      { accessor: 'symbol' },
      { accessor: 'market' },
      { accessor: 'price' },
        accessor: 'actions',
        Cell: () => (
          <div style={{ width: 80 }}>
                width: '100%',
                display: 'flex',
                justifyContent: 'space-between',
                cursor: 'pointer',

You should be able to work it out if you've read the last post, right? It'd be a 4-column table. The last column would include custom cells for each row:

Table with actions on each row

How would we make it interactive? How would we only show the actions for the row that the user is hovering the mouse on?

In another word, we need to know which row the mouse is currently on. We'd use that to determine whether to show the actions or not.

We could use rowProps to add the onMouseEnter event handler to the row div:

export function TableHoverActions(): Override {
  return {
    rowProps: ({ index }) => ({
      onMouseEnter: () => { console.log(index) }

Then, save the row index into a Data object:

import { Override, Data } from "framer"
const hoverData = Data({ hoveredIndex: -1 })
export function TableHoverActions(): Override { return { ... rowProps: ({ index }) => ({
onMouseEnter: () => (hoverData.hoveredIndex = index)
}) } }

Finally, we'd be able to determine whether to show the actions by comparing the indices:

export function TableHoverActions(): Override {
  return {
    columns: [
          accessor: "actions",
          Cell: ({ row: { index } }) => (
            <div style={{ width: 80 }}>
{index === hoverData.hoveredIndex && (
<div style={{ width: "100%", display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between", cursor: "pointer", }} > <span>🗑</span> <span>✋</span> <span>💾</span> </div> )} </div> ), }, ], ... } }

Full source code

The full source code can be found here.

Note: as an alternative, we could use React state for this prototype, instead of Data.

Add / remove rows

Add/Remove row GIF

To update the rows in the table, we'd use the data prop of the component. The rest is some usual Override/JS fu.

Note: the data prop takes precedence over the "Data" property on the properties panel.

const appState = Data({
  rows: [{ symbol: 'MSFT', market: 'NASDAQ', price: 180 }],

export function Table(props): Override {
  return {
    data: appState.rows,

export function Add(props): Override {
  return {
    onTap() {
      appState.rows = [
        { symbol: 'TSLA', market: 'NASDAQ', price: 870 },

export function Remove(props): Override {
  return {
    onTap() {
      appState.rows = appState.rows.slice(0, appState.rows.length - 1)

Full source code

The full source code can be found here.


Pagination GIF

To support pagination, we need to override two props: pageSize and pageIndex.

export function TablePaged(props): Override {
  return {
    pageSize: 10,
    pageIndex: 2,

How would we add buttons to flip pages? The answer is Data:

const data = Data({
  pageSize: 10,
  pageIndex: 0,

export function TablePaged(props): Override {
  return {
    pageSize: data.pageSize,
    pageIndex: data.pageIndex,

Then, we can change data from the buttons:

export function NextPage(props): Override {
  return {
    onTap: () => {
      data.pageIndex = data.pageIndex + 1

export function PreviousPage(props): Override {
  return {
    onTap: () => {
      data.pageIndex = data.pageIndex - 1

export function PageSize(props): Override {
  return {
    onChange: (v) => {
      data.pageSize = Number.parseInt(v)

In addition, the onPageChange prop allows us to extract key information about the page, such as pageCount.

export function TablePaged(props): Override {
  return {
    onPageChange: ({ pageCount }) => {
      data.pageCount = pageCount

With onPageChange, we can display page information like so:

export function PageInfo(props): Override {
  return {
    text: `Page ${data.pageIndex + 1} of ${data.pageCount}`,

Full source code

The full source code can be found here.

Expandable Rows

Expandable rows GIF

Typically we'd have a column to let user expand or collapse a row. We could use row.getExpandedToggleProps() to make an element clickable. Behind the scene, it adds event handlers and styles to the element and toggles the internal state of the row.

export function Table(props): Override {
  return {
    columns: [
        accessor: "expander",
        Header: "",
        Cell: ({ row }) => (
<div {...row.getExpandedToggleProps()}>
+ </div> ), }, ], ... } }

Next, we use row.isExpanded to retrieve the internal state of the row, and display accordingly.

        Cell: ({ row }) => (
          <div {...row.getExpandedToggleProps()}>
{row.isExpanded ? "-" : "+"}
</div> ), ...

Finally, we override the subRow prop to show the content of the expanded row:

export function Table(props): Override {
  return {
    subRow: row => <div>Detailed info for {row.original.symbol}</div>,

Full source code

Future possibilities

Under the hood, Data Table is powered by the wonderful react-table package (Thanks Tanner!). Since react-table is a fully featured library for production usage, we can see a lot of exciting possibilities for future improvement. What about filtering, sorting, re-ordering columns, or resizable columns? Tell me what you want to build, and I'll see if I can add it in!

Wrapping up

Alright! This post is all about creating interactive data tables with a little bit of code. With what's covered in the last post, I hope you find Data Table a useful tool in your arsenal.

Here a few key techniques used in this post:

  • Use a combination of columns/Cell and rowProps to achieve hover actions
  • Use data prop to customize the rows in the table
  • Use pageSize, pageIndex and onPageChange props to achieve pagination
  • Use row.getExpandedToggleProps, row.isExpanded and subRow prop to achieve expandable rows
  • Use overrides and Data as the glue to combine different items on the canvas and achieve interactivity

As I mentioned, these are just some example of what's possible. If you know how to harness the power of code, even just a little bit of code, you'll go far and beyond. I can't wait to see what you'll create!

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