1.5 JSX: JavaScript eXtension

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What you'll learn:

  • Similarities between the JSX and HTML
  • Intelligent Code Editor Help
  • Differences between the JSX and HTML
  • camelCase

Similarities Between JSX and HTML

Now let’s focus on one particular part of the code here.

html code

You should recognize this highlighted area as HTML!

We’ve got a div (block element) here, a h1 and h2 (headings). We can keep adding other HTML tags such as an <input> and a <button>.

input and button tag

Which would correspond to...

input and button preview

Like HTML, we can also add attributes to a tag such as putting a type to the input.

<input type="password"></input>

Intelligent Help

In CodeSandbox, when I entered type, I didn’t have to enter the whole thing, the editor gave me a list to choose from. You can also press CTR+SPACE or CMD+SPACE to show that list of suggestions.

type intelligent suggestion

You can select the suggestion by pressing TAB or clicking with your mouse.

Many of these features help us write code. There are many names for this property, for example, content assist or intellisense. Certain code editors may have specialized features as well.

Differences Between JSX and HTML

class vs className

<div className="App">...</div>

On this div tag, there’s an attribute called className. But is that what we have in HTML?

It’s supposed to be class, right? However, when we change className to class we get this error in the console (bottom right of the preview page).

className to class error

This is one of the many things that confuse beginners learning React. Although there are similarities to HTML, we aren't coding in it. Rather, we are coding in something called JSX which stands for JavaScript eXtension.

Like HTML, we use the same formats, angle brackets, attribute names, equal signs, values, open tags, and close tags. We’ve also got the same tags such as <div>, <h1>, <input>, and so on.

html elements

But there are quite a few places where JSX is different.

For example, instead of class, we must use className. Notice the name of className, it follows a certain format.


We have a word that starts with a lowercase letter followed by another word which starts with an uppercase letter. This is called camel case. Every word after the first should start with an uppercase letter such as classNameDivApp and so on.


JSX is a special format in React code. It stands for JavaScript extension that pretends to be HTML. We’ll go over a few other differences between JSX and HTML in the next post!