3.7 Fixing Bugs

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What you'll learn:

  • Two ways to fix our scale bug
  • onDragEnd
  • Review of transition
  • Structure of the slider and Skinny animation

Scale bug

There’s a bug in our slider code and you might have noticed it!

skinny slider bug

This occurs because whenever we drag the slider, we run handleDrag very quickly and frequently.

handleDrag quickly starts many animations with different scale values. By default, the Framer library animates the scale with a spring. If we start multiple spring animations within a short timeframe, the energy of the spring quickly accumulates. At some point, there will be a big bounce. You can see what happens!

There are two ways to fix this issue.

First solution

We can avoid starting so many animations quickly.

In our onDrag attribute, the handleDrag function is called whenever we drag the knob. Instead, we can use onDragEnd.




Now the handleDrag function is only called after the drag gesture is completed. That is after the user releases the mouse or finger on a touch screen.

drag end slider

Of course, this isn't smooth. If we want to see real-time updates on Skinny’s face, we need the second solution.

Second Solution

By resetting the starting velocity of the spring, the energy of the spring does not accumulate when we start an animation.

When we start an animation with animationControls, we can configure the animation using transition. If you remember the transition attribute, what we can put here is exactly the same.

function App(){
  let animationControls = useAnimation()
  function handleDrag(event, info) {
    let newScale = transform(info.point.x, [0, 220],[0.4, 1.5])
      scale: newScale,
transition:{type: "spring", velocity: 0}
}) } ... }

Also make sure you are using onDrag now and not onDragEnd.



Let’s review what exactly is going on here.

We created animationControls by calling useAnimation. The variable animationControls holds the return value of useAnimation. We then put animationControls into the animate attribute of what we want to be animated, in our case is the cheek of Skinny.

This works like a remote control for the animation of the frame. Whenever we call the start function, the animation of the frame will change accordingly.

In our knob frame, we assigned handleDrag to the onDrag attribute. This handleDrag function is called whenever the user drags the knob which will then run the code in the function body.

Now, when the knob moves, we get a new x value from the info.point.x object. We then transform it to newScale and start a new animation by calling the start function in animationControls.

In the next post, we'll clean up our code by creating a React component!