3.9 Communication between Two Components

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What you'll learn:

  • Passing functions into custom tags
  • Custom tag attributes called props

Component Communication

Slider and Skinny are disconnected, so let's fix it!

Now, we’ve got <Skinny> and <Slider> beside each other. We want the Skinny> component to know the Slider position when we drag it so that we can update Skinny accordingly.

This is how we communicate between the two.

Before we extracted Skinny and the slider into individual components, they were both in the same App component. It was very similar to being in the same room and talking to each other — very easy.

Now that they are in different rooms, we need to change our code to allow them to communicate.

If we are still using animationControls,

function App(){
  let animationControls = useAnimation()
  function handleDrag(event, info) {
    let newScale = transform(info.point.x, [0, 220],[0.4, 1.5])
      scale: newScale,
      transition:{type: "spring", velocity: 0}

we want to pass it into our Skinny room.

Passing functions into custom tags

<div ...>
<Skinny animate={animationControls}/>
<Slider /> </div>

You see, it’s the same format as what we have been doing for other attributes in Frame.

We want to be a little more specific than just animate because we are not animating all of Skinny — only his cheek.

<div ...>
<Skinny cheekAnimate={animationControls}/>
<Slider /> </div>

Our slider is still not working because we haven’t told Skinny what to do about this cheekAnimate. If we hover over "<Skinny>", we get an error that tells us that the Skinny component does not know about or how to deal with cheekAnimate.


We can fix our cheekAnimate problem in our Skinny component. We first add a parameter to Skinny.

function Skinny(props) {
... }

What is props? It’s the parameter of the function and the input of our printer machine Skinny. It's called props because it is short for properties and is a React specific term for the attributes of the custom tag we are defining. All the attributes we set on our <Frame> such as width, height, position, background, etc are props.

This props parameter contains the collection of all attributes we use on the tag.

If we have cheekAnimate, we'll be able to access the value of the attribute like this.

function Skinny(props){
  return (
    {/* Cheek */}

Again, why are we able to use this dot notation to get the value of cheekAnimate?

Because props is an object!

If you want, you can use console.log to print out props to see what it actually is. Remember, console.log is a powerful tool to figure out what is going in our code!

For this Frame in Skinny,

function Skinny(props){
  return (

the props would be width, center, background, and borderRadius.


What we have just done solves half of the puzzle. The Skinny component now knows about the animationControls we created in our App component. Next, let’s link up the Slider as well.