5.5 useMotionValue vs useAnimation

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What you'll learn:

  • useTransform for rotation
  • Understanding when and why to use useAnimation or useMotionValue

useAnimation and useMotionValue

We’ve used two different hooks to create animations: useAnimation and useMotionValue. What’s the difference between them? When do we use one over the other?

These are good questions. As designers, it’s important to understand the pros and cons of the tools we have and choose them wisely.

In general, useAnimation offers a lot of flexibility. We can customize the animation with the transition configuration. We can also easily make a sequence of animations, as you’ll see in a later module.

On the other hand, useMotionValue combined with useTransform is extremely useful when there’s a logic link between different values, such as the x offset of the card and its rotation angle.

It’s interesting and common to combine the two approaches in real world cases.

We’ll explore these questions by making our Tinder swipe card even better.

Spring effect

Currently, when we swipe in either direction and release our mouse, the card stays there.

card stays put

In contrast, the final result should bounce when released.

bounce back

Furthermore, if we swipe more to either direction, the card should disappear.

card disappearing

Back in our code, we currently use MotionValue and useTransform to animate the rotation of the card as we drag it.

function App() {
  let mv = useMotionValue(0)
  let rotateMv = useTransform(mv, [-200, 200], [-50, 50])
  let opacityMv = useTransform(mv, [-200, -150, 0, 150, 200], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0])

useMotionValue or useAnimation?

useMotionValue is a great fit for this scenario since for each x location of the card, we can compute the corresponding rotation value. We can use math to work out the rotation value no matter what the x offset is.

Now when we drag the card a little bit and release the mouse, we want the card to bounce back to its original position.

What do you think we can use?


  onDragEnd={function() {}}

useMotionValue or useAnimation?

Do we use useAnimation or MotionValue here?

To me, it feels very intuitive to use useAnimation here since we can directly transform our mental model to code. That is, when we release the mouse, we want the card to move back.

Therefore, let's import useAnimation.

import "./styles.css"

function App(){ let animControls = useAnimation() let mv = useMotionValue(0) let rotateMv = useTransform(mv, [-200, 200], [-50, 50])
let opacityMv = useTransform(mv, [-200, -150, 0, 150, 200], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0])
return ( <div className="App"> <Frame center drag="x" x={mv} rotate={rotateMv} opacity={opacityMv} dragConstraints={{ left: -200, right: 200 }} style={style} animate={animControls} onDragEnd={function(){ animControls.start({x:0}) }} /> </div> ) }
only bounce

Trying MotionValue

We could also try directly setting the MotionValue for x.


But this jagged animation is not what we want.

reset to 0

Customization of useAnimation

Let's switch back to useAnimation.

Because we are using useAnimation, we easily customize due to its flexibility. Moreover, by default, it uses a spring, so we get this nice, natural movement without much effort.

We can customize our animation by adding a transition property.

animControls.start({x:0, transition:{duration:1}})
}} />
tween animation

Now, if we release our mouse, we'll get a tween animation instead of a spring, but we would like a spring, so let's change it back.

Interestingly, we didn’t have to do anything regarding the rotation of the card. Everything just seems to work "automagically"! When animControlsstarts an animation that changes the x offset, rotateMv simply follows along as it should.

All this occurs because we created rotateMv with useTransform, which links rotateMv to mv and, since mv is linked to our cursor x value, everything connects!

That’s pretty cool!


Alright, as a recap, useMotionValue and useAnimation are both helpful tools for creating animations.

When to use MotionValue or useAnimation

When we need to link two values together, we use MotionValue, and when we want a lot of animation customization we use useAnimation.

In the next post, we'll finish our "Tinder" card swipe!