6.8 Understanding useCycle

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What you'll learn:

  • Foundation of useCycle
  • Array logic
  • Creating custom hooks


Let’s go back to the toggle we built earlier.

scale toggle

To make our toggle functional, we implemented the useCycle function imported from Framer.

What is `useCycle``?

It's a React hook due to how it starts with use and is a function.

However, let’s dig deeper. Have you wondered how it actually works? When we click on our toggle, how many new pages in our "flipbook" do we get?

Well, we can find it out with console.log!

function App() {
  let [mode, cycleMode] = useCycle("off", "on")
console.log("new page, mode=", mode)
return ( ... ) }

It seems like we just get one new page.



<div className="App">
    onTap={function handleTap() {

Now, what is going on with the cycleMode function? Why do we get a new page in our flipbook when we call it and what gives a component the ability to actively refresh our browser?

useCycle is useState

Well, useCycle is actually useState in disguise.

In fact, we can build our own useCycle with useState. Let’s do that!

We'll write a new function called useCycle2 outside of App.

function useCycle2(){
return( [currentOption, cycle] ) }

By returning an array, we can use array destructuring when we call it — similar to how we call useCycle.

For useCycle2, we might want a list of options so let's add a parameter.

function useCycle2(options){
return( [currentOption, cycle] ) }

We can now work on the actual functional component in useCycle2. To access the current option we can do as follows: use the input, parameter array and the current index to get currentOption.

function useCycle2(options){
  let [index, setIndex] = React.useState(0)
let currentOption = options[index]
return( [currentOption, cycle] ) }

Array logic

For our cycle, we'll define a new function inside of useCycle2. The cycle requires us to change our index, and we can do that using setIndex from useState.

Inside of setIndex, we'll use a ternary operator to change the value of index.

Our logic is if our current index is less than the greatest index, we'll add 1 to get the next index. If our current index is equal to or larger than the greatest index, we'll reset our index to our first option.

To get the largest index of an array, we can use its length property and subtract 1. Because array lengths don't abide by the index convention that starts at 0, the array length is always 1 larger than the last index.

function useCycle2(options){
  let [index, setIndex] = React.useState(0)
  let currentOption = options[index]
  function cycle() {
setIndex(index < options.length-1 ? index + 1 : 0)
} return( [currentOption, cycle] ) }

Now we can replace useCycle with useCycle2,

Remember to make our useCycle2 input parameter an array.

function App() {
let [mode, cycleMode] = useCycle2(["off", "on"])
console.log("new page, mode=", mode) return ( ... ) }

Our toggle works just as before.

scale toggle

Understanding useCycle

You know the "true face" behind useCycle. All it is, is a custom hook that implements useState as its building block.

Previously, I’ve told you we can only call hooks inside a function component. This is an exception. We can also call hooks inside a custom hook.

Being able to build custom hooks with existing hooks is a big feature of React hooks. You can find many custom hooks online such as useHooks.com that help us add various functionality to our components.

Framer’s hooks are a great example. They make it very easy to build prototypes with animations and gestures.


We have now covered a fundamental React hook skill that will help us understand and create new hooks.

In the next module, we'll learn how to make an opening and closing padlock animation!