8.3 More Parallax Hooks

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What you'll learn:

  • useSpeed
  • useTrigger

More use-parallax Hooks

Similar to the usePositiveOffset and useSticky hooks, we also have a useSpeed hook from my use-parallax library.


import "./styles.css"

Let's replace useSticky with useSpeed. Instead of having only ranges inside, we'll add another parameter after each range, denoting the scroll speed during this particular range.

function App(){
const iconY = useSticky(pOffset, [0, 100], 0, [100, 400], -1/2, [400, 800], -1)
return ( ... ) }

Initially, our icon has a speed of 0 in the range of [0, 100]. This causes the icon to scroll with the background.

In the next range, our icon moves a half slower than the background.

Finally, our icon is moving against our background at the same speed in the [400, 800] which makes it seem like the icon is sticking.


This hook is useful if we want to trigger a certain action upon reaching a certain range.

Let's create an animation for our icon by implementing useTrigger.

import "./styles.css"

Remember to import useAnimation for this!

function App(){
const anim = useAnimation()
return( ... {/* Icon */} <Frame // opacity={iconOpacity}
y={iconY} backgroundColor="white" size={200} top={400} borderRadius={iconBorderRadius} center="x" image="/starship.png" /> ) }

We can now call useTrigger.

The first parameter is the positive offset pOffset, the second is the range, and the third is the function we want to call.

function App(){
  const anim = useAnimation()
useTrigger(pOffset, [400, 450], function(){})
return( ... ) }

We'll use an arrow function in the third parameter to rotate the icon.

function App(){
  const anim = useAnimation()
useTrigger(pOffset, [400, 450], direction => {
return( ... ) }

useTrigger is only called once per scrolling direction. You can verify this by using a console.log statement.

Since direction can be either negative or positive whether we scroll up or down respectively. We can then play different animations depending on direction.

function App(){
  const anim = useAnimation()
useTrigger(pOffset, [400, 450], direction => {
anim.start({rotate: direction < 0 ? 180 : 0})
return( ... ) }

Our ternary operator here will rotate our icon 180 degrees when scrolling up (direction < 0) and will rotate our icon back to 0 when scrolling down.


All these hooks were built with useTransform and some additional math.

To illustrate, usePositiveOffset was merely written with useTransform, in which we are multiplying the by negative 1.

function usePositiveOffset(offset) {
  return useTransform(offset, (v) => -v)


I encourage you to play combine these hooks and see what types of animations and triggers you can make!

I'll walk through assignment 8.2 in the next post.