Make a dropdown menu

Code Overrides
Updated: 2018-09-29


Use Framer X overrides to quickly prototype a dropdown menu animation.


Use animate and variant props to animate between different states

export function Icon(props): Override {
  return {
    animate: appState.menuMode,
    variants: {
      open: { rotate: 180 },
      closed: { rotate: 0 },

export function MenuContentFrame(props): Override {
  const { scaleY } = useInvertedScale()
  return {
    animate: appState.menuMode,
    originY: 0,
    variants: {
      open: { scaleY: 1 },
      closed: { scaleY: 0 },

Use Data to communicate between overrides

import { Data } from 'framer'

const appState = Data({
  menuMode: 'closed',

export function MenuBar(props): Override {
  return {
    onTap: () => {
      appState.menuMode = appState.menuMode === 'open' ? 'closed' : 'open'

Use useInvertedScale to prevent distortion

For performance reasons, it's recommended to animate scale instead of width or height. However, the content inside might be distorted.


The solution is to use the useInvertedScale hook.

1. Separate the content and the "frame" of the menu

layer screenshot

2. useInvertedScale hook

import { useInvertedScale } from 'framer'
export function MenuContent(props): Override {
  const { scaleY } = useInvertedScale()
  return {

3. Set the overflow of the contentFrame to hidden

Don't forget this step, or else the menu will look strange.

Source Code

Check out the complete source code here